6 Benefits of Sleeping Naked

1. Releasing oxytocin.
The hormone oxytocin is released when the skin comes in contact with skin. When skin contact from head to toe all night, you'll get a useful flow of hormones. Some of the benefits of oxytocin, among other things, increase the sense of prosperity, lower heart rate, reduces stress hormones, boost the confidence, and of course, sexual urges.
2. Create a "mood" for sex.
Many women refuse to have sex because it was baseball mood. The reason could be because of fatigue, fear of waking the child at any time, or whatever bothers you. In fact, refusing to deal only makes women feel lonely and neglected. Therefore, you should change your mood for sex. Way, snuggled under a blanket with a bodysuit that you already have it since birth. Pain rippled the skin will provide sexual stimulation that you need.
3. Look erotic.
Any man could not bear to see his wife at his side curled up naked. It became a kind invitation for her to have sex.
4. Creating desire.
One of the main reasons women do not want to have sex is the imbalance in the relationship with a partner. When you feel separated from your partner, you may also lose the desire for him. Well, sleeping naked can help overcome these obstacles.
5. Bonding.
When skin contact with each other in bed, you can increase the sense of bonding between you and your partner. Remember when first dating or first married, wanted always in touch, right? The more you touch, you increasingly feel close to the couple.Increased ties synonymous with the more frequent sex.
6. Better.
More frequent sex provides many health benefits and marriage were more likely to last long. You do not need sex every day (unless you both really want it), quite a few times a week. Spent half an hour a day to make love can be a fun sport for you. You'll feel more satisfied with your life, fitter, healthier and more!

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